Serbian LLC

May 5, 20210

Serbian LLC is a legal form similar to Limited Liability Company from other jurisdictions.

It can be founded by any person – individual or legal entity, regardless of the citizenship. UBO, directors and shareholders doesn’t have to be Serbian citizens or residents, but director can apply for Serbian residence. Company may appoint up to 5 directors.

According to Serbian Companies Act, LLC is a company in which 1 or more company members are shareholders in the company’s share capital. In general, the members are not liable for the company’s obligations. More precisely, they are liable only up to the amount of their stakes invested in the company. However, the members will be liable if they abuse the rules of the members’ limited liability for the company’s obligations. In most cases, LLC is a company with few members and a low amount of share capital.

On the basis of their share in the company, members can manage the company’s profit and decide whether they want to distribute it among them or not. LCC is usually a company with the small amount of shared capital and a small number of members – shareholders. This form of legal entity is suitable for medium and small businesses.

Minimum of required share capital is less than 1 EUR (10 EUR recommended).

Registration process in the Serbian Business Registry Agency takes up to 7 days from the moment we receive documentation necessary and process of opening bank account takes approximately 10 days.

LLC is a separate tax subject and all income generated through company is subjected to 15% corporate tax. Dividend tax is also 15%.

By forming LLC’s we managed to open bank accounts for clients with 100% success rate and it is perfect solution for long term business.

Also, banks have generally better attitude towards LLC as a fully resident structure and more banks are open for cooperation, so there are more possibilities for bank accounts opening.

Given that Serbia signed double-taxation avoidance agreements with more than 60 countries, you can optimize your taxation in order to use full business potential of such structure.

Please contact us for more information.


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