June 2022 - Creative Finance

Keep up with the events of the Creative Finance world.
June 23, 20220

Under the condition of minimum market disruption, one of the ways to solve liquidity issues is compensation. In terms of the domestic payment operations, the term 'compensation' refers to a set-off conducted by business partners related to due invoices.

June 8, 20220

The legislation od the Republic of Serbia stipulates that property tax is an obligation of natural persons (residents and non-residents) owning real estate within the territory of the Republic of Serbia, the value of which exceeds 400,000 dinars and is not excluded from tax payment. Property tax is payed on the following real estate rights...

June 1, 20220

  Property is a body of ownership rights and obligations of a natural person or legal entity. The term ‘property’ commonly includes the following rights: property, obligational, intellectual property and inheritance rights, as well as the debts arising from them. Some of the basic property characteristics are that it cannot be taken away from a natural person or legal entity and it is subsequently inalienable, that it exists as long as a person exists, that it is transferred to other persons as a legacy or enters bankruptcy estate.