November 2022 - Creative Finance

Keep up with the events of the Creative Finance world.
November 29, 20220

In December 2019, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted the amendments to the Personal Income Tax Law, which introduces, among other things, the entrepreneur independence test. One of the aims of this amendment to the above-mentioned Law is to make a distinction between an “independent“ and “dependent“ entrepreneur, by taxing a “dependent“ entrepreneur's income from the services he or she performs for an unofficial employer at a greater rate than an “independent“ entrepreneur's income from their own self-employment activities.

November 17, 20220

the best option for everyone who understands the need to define their business legally, regardless of the type of business activity they are involved in, is to choose to become an entrepreneur. Of course, this is presuming that the three essential criteria for every company idea—feasibility, desirability, and profitability — have been met. The registration procedure itself takes place at the competent Business Registers Agency (abbreviated APR in Serbian), and since 2018 it can also be done electronically. The procedure itself consists of submitting...

November 12, 20220

The salaries of employees is a challenge which all employers face, because on one hand it represents a relationship between the employer and his or her employees, but on the other, a relationship between the employer and the state. The Labour Law regulates the relationship between the employer and the employee, and the Personal Income Tax Law, as well as the Law on Mandatory Social Security Insurance govern the relationship between the employer and the state...

November 4, 20220

As there are conditions that must be met in order to become a lump-sum entrepreneur, there are also conditions that must be met in order to remain in this status. The first condition refers to the annual income, and the second - to the total turnover for one year continuously. The first limit is 6 million, the second is 8 million and it means the entry into the VAT system.