Annual Adjustments to Non-Taxable Amounts – Serbia

March 12, 20240

Annual Adjustments to Non-Taxable Amounts in the Citizen’s Income Tax Law

The Law on Personal Income Tax in Serbia is adjusted each year to reflect changes in consumer price indices from the previous year.

In this blog, you can find a systematic overview of all the changes to these amounts, as prescribed by the Republic of Serbia, effective from February 1, 2024.


If you are calculating new salaries for the year 2024, this post provides essential information about the implementation of these changes, effective for payments starting from February 1, 2024.

According to the “Official Gazette of the RS”, number 6/2024, the newly adjusted dinar amounts from the Law on Personal Income Tax, applicable from February 1, 2024, to January 31, 2025, are:


  1. Financial Aid for a Deceased Employee or Retired Employee’s Family Member (Article 9, Paragraph 1, Item 9) – 94,472 dinars.
  2. Student Scholarships and Loans (Article 9, Paragraph 1, Item 12) – 41,381 dinars.
  3. Meal Allowance for Amateur Athletes paid by amateur sports clubs (Article 9, Paragraph 1, Item 13) – 13,497 dinars.
  4. Compensation for Electoral Commission Members (excluding National Electoral Commission members), polling station committees, and census work (Article 9, Paragraph 1, Item 29) – 7,247 dinars.
  5. Financial Aid to Individuals Not in Employment with the Payer and not as a counter-value for their services (Article 9, Paragraph 1, Item 30) – 17,933 dinars.
  6. Living Expenses for Participants in EU and Other International Programs (Article 9, Paragraph 1, Item 31) – 137,941 dinars.
  7. Non-Taxable Income Threshold (Article 15a) – 25,000 dinars.
  8. Reimbursed Transport Costs to and from Work (Article 18, Paragraph 1, Item 1) – 5,398 dinars.
  9. Per Diem for Domestic Business Travel (Article 18, Paragraph 1, Item 2) – 3,241 dinars.
  10. Transport Allowance on Business Travel (Article 18, Paragraph 1, Item 5) – 9,449 dinars.
  11. Solidarity Aid for Illness, Health Rehabilitation, or Disability of an Employee or Their Family Member (Article 18, Paragraph 1, Item 7) – 53,986 dinars.
  12. New Year and Christmas Gifts for Employees’ Children Up to 15 Years Old (Article 1, Paragraph 1, Item 8) – 13,497 dinars.
  13. Anniversary Rewards for Employees (Article 18, Paragraph 1, Item 9) – 26,991 dinars.
  14. Aid in Case of an Employee’s Family Member’s Death (Article 18, Paragraph 1, Item 9a) – 94,472 dinars.
  15. Solidarity Assistance for Childbirth (Article 18, Paragraph 1, Item 12) – up to the average salary paid in the Republic according to the latest published data by the national statistics authority.
  16. Premiums for Voluntary Health Insurance and Contributions to Voluntary Pension Funds (Article 21a, Paragraph 2) – 8,101 dinars.
  17. Individual Winnings from Games of Chance (Article 83, Paragraph 4, Item 1) – 137,941 dinars.
  18. Rewards and Similar Payments to Individuals Not in Employment with the Payer stemming from work or other forms of contribution (Article 85, Paragraph 1, Item 11) – 17,933 dinars.


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